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antoniou pastry


The Antoniou Filo Pastry Brand Is A Family Owned, Australian Company Making The Finest Quality Pastry Since 1960.

Chris Antoniou migrated to Sydney from Cyprus in 1952 and with his new bride Marina, they learned the art of making filo pastry by hand In 1960.

Today, the Antoniou family continues to specialise in filo pastry at their state of the art facility. This has enabled the company to become the leading manufacturer of filo pastry and filo pastry products in Australia.

borgs pastry


Borgcraft was established in 1960 as a family business manufacturing specialised, gourmet, Mediterranean-style, filled pastries known as pastizzis.

Today the company operates from a custom built factory with state-of-the-art facilities. The skilled master bakers and craftspeople working there take pride in every single one of high end appetisers, desserts and pastries they produce each year.

Our vision has always been to produce products with character, which is consistently great tasting, fresh, visually appealing and at the forefront of the industry.

The alternative meat&co

The alternative meat&co

“The Alternative Meat Co. is Life Health Food’s new plant-based meat alternative available in distribution. It looks, smells and tastes like meat, but is better for the environment and contains no cholesterol.

The innovative food is designed to meet the needs of the growing trend of ‘flexitarianism’, a diet which is heavily plant-based but allows for some meat consumption.”

meredith dairy
Meredith dairy

Meredith dairy

Meredith Dairy is a family enterprise. Milking year-round and processing a range of specialty cheese & yoghurts. The farm is located in Meredith Australia, and their products are sold world-wide.

Lime caviar

Lime caviar

The Lime Caviar Company is located in south east Queensland’s stunning Scenic Rim mountains and is a premier grower and supplier of Australia’s native finger limes, the unique and ancient citrus.

Murray river salt

Murray river salt

“Murray River Salt&trade was formed in 2000. They began producing premium gourmet salt flakes by utilising concentrated brine from the Mourquong Salt Mitigation Basin, located 13 kilometres northwest of Mildura in New South Wales”

tasman sea salt
Tasman sea salt

Tasman sea salt

With their passion for artisanal products and gourmet food, every part of the Tasman Sea Salt production process is a labour of love for founders and farmers Chris Manson and Alice Laing

Simpsons farm

Simpsons farm

The Simson family started Simson farm in 1969. Today, they own and manage more than 850 hectares of consolidated farming operations. This includes 770 hectares of avocados and 80 hectares of mangoes.

Family is still their focus, and they kept the management of the business in the family.

Nestled into forested areas surrounding the orchards, their operations include food manufacturing and processing to deliver the highest quality, safest, most versatile products to customers across Australia and around the world.

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